
Painting by Jill Miller with permission
Painting by Jill Miller with permission

U3A Cygnet

(If clicking on these email links doesn't automatically start your email program, right click on the link, select 'Copy email address', and paste it into your email program)

Or write to us at

U3A Cygnet
P O Box 216

Most classes are held at:

(these links to go to Google Maps)

Other contacts

  • There are fifteen U3A groups in Tasmania (at last count), and many more across the rest of Australia, and throughout the World. The U3A Online website provides more information and contact details for U3A groups in Australia and New Zealand. They list all Tasmanian U3A's here (at least the ones they've been told about). They also have details of online courses you can do, and publish the informative (and free) GEMs e-newsletter.
  • The U3A Network New South Wales is an umbrella organisation which many U3As in other parts of Australia, including Cygnet and nine others in Tasmania, have also joined, to access the wealth of information and support the Network has assembled. Their website provides information on the background and history of the U3A movement, course materials and much more.
  • U3A Australia is the national face of the U3A movement in Australia, bringing together the State and Territory networks of U3A groups throughout the country. There are now about 300 U3As in Australia, with about 100,000 members. U3A Australia aims to foster co-operation and exchange of information between State networks, and to advocate for the U3A movement at a national level.